Schedulepro a LGBTQ

8 de January, 2022

"With my triplets, our life took a turn for the better"

Before having her triplets through IVF, Veronica went through several failed Assisted Reproduction procedures in Mexico and the United States, which challenged her physically, mentally and emotionally.

Although along the way, she had to go through some gestational losses, today she is known in her native Guadalajara, Jalisco, for being the proud mother of Leonardo, Nicolás and Alonso, her triplets through In Vitro Fertilization that have given her and her husband's life a 360° turn. Find out more about her story as an Ingenes mum here.

Veronica, 20 years to become a mother

"The losses were the hardest, but in the end we heard three hearts beating. I spent 20 years waiting to have a baby, before I came here we tried twice in the US and it didn't work. It's very difficult to go through all that treatment involves: injections, eggs, patches, all the stress, the social pressure you have around you, and all that added to the fear that it's not going to work.... It was so much at one point, we actually stopped trying.


My sisters-in-law were the ones who made an appointment for me, here at the Institute, and although I was still very afraid of going through all that again, the illusion I had of being able to become a mother was much greater, so we came to our Initial Program in the Guadalajara branch.

Once there, I took my previous tests, we checked everything and they did other studies, they told me that I had very little ovulation, a low ovulation rate, so the best option to become parents was to have In Vitro Fertilization, and it worked!


The process of coping with the loss of my baby was very hard, I felt terrible to be asked: 'How are you, how much have you got, when is she due'... I didn't want to see anyone at all, and I needed time to heal and for everything to pass.

It took us a while to go back for our second IVF cycle, but this time everything went great, I got pregnant again, and we finally did it! We were finally about to be dads! My husband cried so much when we went to the ultrasound and heard the first heartbeat, but then we heard the second, and then a third heartbeat! At that point he couldn't even talk, we were so excited.


During my pregnancy I struggled a bit because there were three babies and I needed to be on bed rest and I had to take a lot of care. My triplets through In Vitro Fertilization were premature, and the day they were born; when they finally arrived in this world, I could not look at them until the third day, I felt very helpless to see them with so many devices in the hospital, to see how small they were, I was very afraid that they would not make it....

They were like that for three and a half months, but I was there every day to look at them, to talk to them, to encourage them to get out of there so that they could be with us and give them everything; fortunately they came out well and we were able to take them home.


Their names are Leonardo, Nicolás and Alonso, I remember very well when I heard them cry for the first time, the day they finally arrived with me; from the moment they were born absolutely everything changed for me, forever.

Being a mother of triplets through In Vitro Fertilization is an enormous, gigantic privilege that I am grateful for every day of my life, because I know that multiple pregnancies, pregnancies that are like this, are rarely achieved; and I feel extremely proud that they are perfectly fine and that we have achieved it.

When they grow up we will tell them their whole story, we will show them what their life has been like from the beginning, from before they came here, from when we were thinking and praying that they would come with us. My husband and I were very happy living as a couple, but being with them today has no comparison, our life is upside down now and it took the best turn".


Do you want to become a mother, but you have not succeeded?

If you are also trying to become a mother, have had gestational losses, and have not been successful yet, it is important that you go to a doctor specialized in assisted reproduction, who knows how to specifically identify the cause that is preventing you from having a baby.

At Ingenes, we have a Initial Program that is focused on detecting any situation that is not allowing you to live your maternity, to draw up a personalized multi-cycle treatment plan, which gives you up to 96% of probabilities of achieving it, even if you have had a loss or this has been recurrent.

Come to us and schedule your Initial Program, let us help you bring your baby home.

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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