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8 de July, 2023

"I became a mom despite having endometriosis"

Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological conditions in the world, it is also one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed. It affects around 176 million women in the world. And despite its high incidence, many women wait about 10 years for proper treatment.

As it happened with the case of Erika, who despite having always had pain during her menstrual period and heavy flow, had to wait until she was 33 years old to have an accurate diagnosis, and later go through several hormonal and Assisted Reproduction treatments to be able to become a mom.

Becoming a mom has been a challenge, but it's the most beautiful thing I've ever done

“Being a mom brings tiredness and stress, that is true, but it's worth it. I work in a children's hospital and I'm 39 years old, but my journey to be a mom started much earlier. When I first got married, I was taking care of myself with contraceptives. We first wanted to strengthen ourselves as a married couple, and then I became curious about having a baby, but nothing happened... So in total I spent 6 years, maybe a little more, trying to become a mom. 

When we first realized we were gonna need help to get pregnant, the doctors did a diagnostic laparoscopy and they told me that one of my tubes was blocked. They subjected me to surgery, they freed one of my tubes, and then the doctor diagnosed me with mild endometriosis.

From there, I had a follicle-stimulating treatment and we tried programmed intercourse. We went through 4 and nothing. After that, we started artificial insemination, we did 2 but it didn’t work either. I was devastated, the emotional, physical and economic wear was too much, so I stopped trying for over a year and a half. 

When I found out about Ingenes, I started to do research, to know the prices, etc. I saved for a year, and with the help of my family, I was able to carry out the treatment. They gave me the diagnosis, I discussed everything I had already tried with them, and the doctor told me that the most viable option was IVF. I did not get frustrated, because I said "how good that with the help of technology we can achieve it."

It was different that time, because you feel welcomed and confident that you are in good hands to achieve it. In the first transfer, they placed 2 embryos in me, and I was happy, hoping it was finally the good one.

After 14 days I did the test, and the doctor called me to give me the news, there we found out that we were going to be parents! We were happy, I spoke to everyone to tell them the good news. We heard the heartbeat of our baby in the ultrasound, and that’s where I peaked, nothing could get better than that moment. 

Ivana was born at 37 weeks, but she evolved quickly and has been a healthy child. She changed our lives completely. She is a very independent, brave, and cheerful girl. I want her to be happy and enjoy every part of her life. I don't mind the fatigue, the stress, because it's worth it. It is important to reach out to the right people to seek help and never desert. We are happy that she is here. Everything we did was for her to be with us, without a doubt. Life gives you opportunities and you have to know how to take advantage of them.”

Do you have endometriosis and want to have a baby, but haven't you got it yet?

If, like Erika, you suspect that you have endometriosis or have already been diagnosed and want to become a mom, come to us. Remember that whatever is the cause, it is important to go to reproduction specialists, who determine what is preventing you from fulfilling your dream of having a baby. 

At Ingenes, we have an Initial Program for all women who have decided to live their momhood and are willing to do everything to achieve it. A program that focuses on identifying what is hindering your dream. 

We also draw up a personalized treatment plan for you to have your baby, carried out by a multidisciplinary team of experts in Reproductive Biology, and psychotherapists, among others.

Come with us and schedule your Initial Program. Let us help you transform your life and fulfill your dream of becoming a mom.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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