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28 de March, 2022

"A doctor said it was my fault and my stress about getting pregnant"

People who experience difficulties in having a baby know how difficult it can be. Beyond the medical issue, they experience various feelings of sadness, frustration, anguish and even guilt. The stress of becoming pregnant should not be ignored, and must be addressed alongside and as part of a successful pregnancy. Assisted Reproduction treatment for it to be successful.

Below, we share with you the story of Elba, a woman who went through 5 years of failed treatments that did not take into account the importance of psycho-emotional care, and failed to give her a proper diagnosis. Learn about her struggle and how she managed to become a mother with the help of a multi-cycle treatment of In Vitro Fertilization with emotional support

Doing everything to the letter and nothing happens

"Some doctors said it was my fault, that my stress about getting pregnant was too much and it was affecting me, that I should take a holiday, but how can you relax when you have no idea what's going on with your body, when you don't know why it's not working?

I did everything I was told, absolutely everything, every medication and test, everything to the letter and nothing. First I went to a gynaecologist for two years, then I went to a fertility clinic and went for another two and a half years. I did 3 In Vitro fertilizations and was unsuccessful.


During that time I went through a lot of stress, a sea of disappointments, despair, a lot of sadness, physical, emotional and of course financial exhaustion, with all the amount of tests and consultation after consultation, without any result.

With every treatment and with every negative pregnancy test I went through I felt so scared, it was extremely stressful, I felt devastated. On the third attempt, the doctor told me: 'I don't know what's wrong, something about you is not right, something is not working', that's when we both fell down and stopped trying.

I had blocked tubes, that's what the doctor told me. I felt so guilty that I couldn't get pregnant, I felt like that was the only reason I was in this world, and I was useless, it was horrible to see all those pregnant women around me, that's something that destroys you from the inside.


When we went to a family gathering or were with people we knew, my stress about getting pregnant would go through the roof, there were some who would ask me: 'When are you going to cheer up, why don't you have a baby, what are you waiting for?' I didn't even know what to answer, I even told them that I didn't like children so I wouldn't think about it, but inside I wanted them so badly, it was horrible.

With my husband I also had many conflicts, going through problems to have a child put a lot of weight on the relationship, many things went through both of our minds, but in the end we managed to move forward together.

After a year of giving up, my brother-in-law told me about the Institute, the idea of going was on my mind for a couple of days and that little tickle came back, I felt as if a little window had opened in my heart and I ended up deciding to make my first appointment.


Attending to your medical and psycho-emotional health in Assisted Reproduction

I had an ultrasound to see how my womb and ovaries were, and my husband also had tests to check his sperm. I was very punctual, I did everything as I was told and thank God the first In Vitro was positive. The day the doctor told me: 'Elba, you are going to be a mother', I couldn't believe it, my husband and I cried.

It took 5 years, all that stress, I thought I would never be a mother, we had to do so many things to have him, many sacrifices, but it was all worth it. My pregnancy was very happy, but also a bit stressful. I was very afraid of losing it, I felt the same pressure as before, when I had all that stress about getting pregnant, but the therapists at the Institute helped me a lot.

You don't really think about all the stress of getting pregnant that you're carrying; I mean, you know you're carrying a weight, and the doctors tell you to relax, but you don't know how to do it, you just don't have those tools. Here, they gave me emotional support with therapists who specialise in women and couples. that it is costing us to have children, it is part of the treatment.


When I could finally hear his heart in the ultrasound I felt so much emotion, something that cannot be explained, it is the most beautiful thing that exists; and with that many of my fears were also removed. The day I went into the operating theatre I couldn't stop crying, I thought: 'I have to listen to him, I have to know that he is fine'.

And I finally heard it! He cried a lot, he was healthy and very strong, he was perfect, he was everything I always dreamed he would be. My son's name is Juan José, he is my star and my whole world.

A treatment of Assisted Reproduction is not an easy thing because there are many mixed feelings, you come from a complicated path, from failure after failure, from hormonal changes, you become very sensitive, your feelings are on the surface! But you have to find your strength, do everything your doctors tell you to do, be constant and be attentive to everything!

Of course it is not something that happens in the blink of an eye, and it takes a lot to stay strong, but it is also very true what they say about the immense joy that fills your heart when you hear: 'Mama'.


It took us a lot to start a family, but we made it, and that filled us with happiness. He gave us the family we dreamed of! And I want to say to all the women who are going through the same thing, please don't lose faith and keep going, one foot after the other, even if it costs, even if you have to take a break and try again, follow your instinct and trust a lot.

Do you want to have a baby too, but haven't managed it yet?

Emotional health and care is as important as any medical issue to be addressed during an Assisted Reproduction treatment. The stress of becoming pregnant can severely affect, and according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the psycho-emotional issue should be monitored in those women who are seeking a pregnancy. Pan American Health Organization According to the Pan American Health Organization, the psycho-emotional issue must be monitored in women who are looking for a baby, and failure to do so can have devastating consequences, such as miscarriage or low birth weight.

If you are over 35 and have been trying for 12 months or more to have a baby, a personalised In Vitro fertilization multicycle treatment In Vitro Fertilization treatment, in conjunction with your psycho-emotional care, can help you achieve this.

Come to Ingenes and tell us about your journey so far, so that we can design a comprehensive treatment that will give you the best chance of becoming a mother.

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