Schedulepro a LGBTQ

13 de December, 2021

"I wanted to become a mom again for my son"

María Concepción decided to become a mother again to give her son a sibling; however, she had some difficulties to achieve this without help. because of her age and the fact that her husband had a vasectomy, it was necessary to resort to an IVF procedure to achieve her dream.

At the age of 36, with a multi-cycle In Vitro Fertilization treatment plan, she and her husband managed to have 2 babies, a boy and a girl: Adriel and Aranza. We tell you their story here.

Conny and her struggle to become a mother again


"I felt that I wanted to be a mother again for my son, I didn't want to leave him alone and if it is in my power to give him a little brother, I would try everything. My husband and I have a 7-year-old boy, who was conceived without any problems. We wanted to have another one, but as the years went by we started having difficulties getting pregnant.

We went to the Institute a year before starting, they gave us all the details of the treatment, but we put it off for one thing or another: the house, the business... I am a veterinary doctor, I am 36 years old and I dedicate myself to clinical practice attending to dogs and cats, I had other perspectives personally and when I felt more prepared to concentrate on motherhood again, we went back to try it.


My husband had a vasectomy. There was the issue of my age and they recommended IVF. It was a hard process to undergo the samples every week, and for my husband it was also difficult because they had to do a little surgery to get the sample.

In addition to the transfers, because we live in Almoloya de Juárez and we had to go to Santa Fe, and we even neglected other aspects of life to be in the process. Being a mother didn't start when the babies were born, it started when we decided to take the treatment, when I was already 34 years old, and fortunately, it happened on the first try.


When I was told there were two babies it was a shock, it took me several weeks to assimilate it, and yes, I enjoyed my pregnancy... although I was also very afraid of losing them. Accepting that during those 9 months something could go wrong, that was the hardest thing for me.

Adriel and Aranza are going to be 1 year and 8 months old; and Alan, who is 7, has always been my support, he helps me, gives me nappies, in my quarantine he went to bed with the babies... We made this effort for him, siblings are very important and I didn't want to leave him alone .


If something happened, if we left, he would have someone, that's why I did the treatment, I did it for my first son, I made the effort and fortunately two came. The best gift a father can give a son is the gift of a brother, and that is what I leave them: Unconditional love.

Do you want to become a mom again and haven't succeeded?

If you too are trying to become a mother again and have not yet succeeded, it is important that you see a reproductive doctor to find out specifically what is preventing you from having a baby.

At Ingenes, we have out Initial Program for all women who want to experience motherhood again, and who are willing to do everything to achieve it. A program that focuses on identifying what is preventing you from having a baby and drawing up a personalized treatment plan, carried out by a team of expert embryologists, andrologists, gynecologists with a subspecialty in Reproductive Biology and psychotherapists, among others.

Come with us, schedule your Initial Program and let us help you bring your baby home.

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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