Our In Vitro Fertilization Multicycle program was created to help increase your chances of becoming a mother and decrease the physical, emotional, and financial stress while attempting to do so, as implied when given one single attempt.
The number of cycles that may be needed is fully personalized and based on each person's reproductive health and fertility diagnosis.
Your fertility experts will suggest a Multicycle Program that can vary between 2 to 4 cycles of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), based on the particular conditions of your case and the diagnosis they gave you at the end of your Initial Program.
Here, personal factors come into play, which directly influence the probability of requiring a greater number of cycles to assure the success of carrying a pregnancy to term and achieving your dream:
For example, if you are over 35 years old, the quantity and quality of your eggs is lower, so it is likely that your doctors will recommend more than a single IVF cycle.
Our fertility and reproduction health experts experts will meet periodically to review the analysis results in detail, other relevant findings, and a complete report of what happened in the failed cycle, looking for any indicator, reaction, or process that might need to be adjusted to assure success in the following cycle.
Each cycle of your treatment is like a snapshot of the state of your body and your reproductive progress. At this point, your specialists will carry out different evaluations to precisely understand how your body reacts at each stage of the process.
Once this is done, your fertility experts will begin preparing your body and the new steps in your next cycle, with each cycle bringing you one step closer to your baby.
Regardless of the complexity of your case, and even when your treatment requires multiple adjustments, at Ingenes we will bring you closer to having your baby, thanks to our Multicycle Programs, as follows:
With a first IVF cycle, at Ingenes we offer you an up to 65% chance of having your baby.
If your doctors recommended 2 IVF cycles due to your particular reproductive health conditions, at Ingenes you will have an up to 75% chance of success.
If your medical team recommends continuing with a 3rd IVF cycle, this allows us to offer you up to an 85% chance of achieving a full-term pregnancy.
Suppose a full-term pregnancy wasn’t achieved after 3 IVF cycles. In that rare case, our experts will review how your body reacted at each stage, request additional studies, adjust the Assisted Reproduction techniques used, or opt for a new treatment strategy.
This whole process builds up chances, with each attempt, all the way up to a 96% probability of success by the 4th In Vitro Fertilization cycle.
Our goal is to help you bring your baby home, that’s why we take In Vitro Fertilization to the next level, with our cutting-edge technology, and highly equipped laboratories, in addition to our multiple branches in different locations both in the USA and Mexico.