As we age, the risk of conceiving a baby with a chromosomal anomaly increases.
Depending on the method used to obtain the sample, we can find invasive methods such as amniocentesis, cordocentesis, and chorionic villus sampling, which may pose a risk to achieving a full-term pregnancy (with a 5% risk of miscarriage).
However, at Ingenes, we opt for noninvasive methods, such as Clarix, which pose no risk for the mother or the future child or children, as the sample is sourced from fetal cell-free DNA found in the mother’s bloodstream.
•This screening test is ideal for expectant mothers who have become pregnant spontaneously or through Assisted Reproductive Technology Treatments.
• Expectant mothers with advanced maternal age may be prone to developing chromosomal abnormalities (women over 35 years of age).
• Expectant mothers who wish to discover their baby’s gender as early as the 10th gestational week.
•Patients who have undergone an Assisted Reproduction Treatment without the screening of a Preimplantation Genetic Testing for aneuploidies (PGT-A).
•At Ingenes, the Clarix test can be used with singleton and twin pregnancies.
The technique starts with collecting a maternal blood sample, without affecting the health of the mother or the future babies.
Book an appointment to carry out this noninvasive prenatal test, starting from the 10th gestational week, click below to book your appointment.