On November 4th, Selena Gomez's long-awaited documentary "My mind & Me" was released, where she addresses various stages of her life focusing mainly on her mental health and physical illnesses she suffers from.
In an interview for Rolling Stone magazine, the 30-year-old actress and singer revealed that she would not be able to become a mother because of the two medications she takes to treat the bipolar disorder she suffers from.
Like thousands of women around the world, Selena Gomez mentioned that one of her biggest dreams is to become a mom. However, motherhood and mental illness are a complicated combination.
It has been proven that medications for bipolar disorder can cause birth conditions such as neural tube defects, heart defects, developmental delay, or neurobehavioral problems, making it unlikely that the actress will be able to achieve a successful pregnancy.
Selena is not giving up hope of becoming a mother at some point in her life and with the current advances in Assisted Reproduction treatments, there are many options for her and thousands of other women to achieve their dreams.
For example, it is possible to have a baby through surrogacy, which allows women who are unable to achieve a pregnancy for medical reasons to have a child of their own.
This is done through an arrangement, as an altruistic act from a woman who agrees to carry a pregnancy to term in place of the aspiring parent or parents and to hand the baby to them once they're born.
Just like this story, there are many similar cases that we have successfully solved and we are confident that we can help you achieve a baby. Schedule an appointment today and discover your ideal path to becoming a mother.