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31 de December, 2022

New year, a new opportunity to achieve your dream of having a baby

365 days are 365 new opportunities to fulfill your dream of becoming a mom

Another year ends and with it goes all the trials, disappointments, sadness, and despair to give way to a new year. Three hundred and sixty-five days are unique opportunities to become a mom.

It begins a new cycle that allows you to open your outlook and look for the best options for your treatment, focus on your reproductive health, and emotional well-being, and find the support you need to achieve your baby.

How to prepare yourself if you're looking to pursue a treatment this coming year


Without leaving aside your New Year's resolutions, it is important to make small changes that will help you achieve a great impact on your physical and mental health. Here are some recommendations to get you started:

  1. Take care of your body. To achieve a pregnancy in the shortest time possible, it is necessary to maintain a healthy body to avoid most complications with your baby. Learn about healthy foods and include them in your diet. Exercise more and avoid being sedentary as much as possible. We also recommend avoiding the consumption of harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, or other illicit drugs.
  2. Don’t blame yourself for the situation. When you are going through an infertility process, it is natural to feel angry, disappointed, and even disillusioned, but it is important not to blame yourself. There are many reasons why a woman or couple cannot conceive and there are solutions for each case. Be kind to yourself and don't give up.
  1. Share your story. This is a powerful way to move forward in your process, as you may find support from people you never would have thought of. It will be easier to go through your treatment with people around you.
  2. Stay positive and keep trying. Many times overwhelming feelings can take over our peace of mind. It is valid to feel angry, sad or frustrated. However, let these emotions be momentary and focus on keeping trying. Don't take your eyes off your goal! The more positive you are, the better you will feel and the more options you will be open to.
  3. Consult a fertility specialist. If you are under 35 and have been unable to conceive for a year, or if you are over 35 and have been trying for six months without success, it is time to consult a fertility specialist to help you diagnose the exact problem that is preventing you from becoming a mother.

Remember that you are the only one who can take the first step in fulfilling your dream of having your baby at home. We hope these tips can help you feel better during your process.

At Ingenes we are aware that looking for a place to take the first step can be complicated, for this reason we created our Initial Program, which allows us to make an accurate diagnosis to choose the ideal way for you to have your baby in the shortest time possible. Our specialists in Assisted Reproduction have the necessary experience to deal with different infertility cases and to take care of them in the best way. We are at your disposal to help you bring down Your Star At Home.

Have you been trying for a baby for over a year without success? Now is the perfect time to reach out!

If you would like to have a consultation with one of our fertility specialists to know your diagnosis, tell us about yourself by clicking on this link and we will gladly advise you.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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