

Azoospermia is the absence of sperm in a man's semen and affects 10-15% of men.

Obstruction or absence of the sperm ducts can be caused by:

-Genetic conditions such as Klinefelter's syndrome

-Congenital absence of the vas deferens common in cystic fibrosis gene carriers

-Damage caused by seminal infections
Inflammatory processes such as epididymitis, prostatitis, parotiditis and varicocele

-Surgeries or other trauma such as inguinal hernias, testicular trauma or vasectomy

Sperm production problems may be caused by:

-Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-related hormonal disturbances


-Conditions of the testicles

-Genetic conditions such as deletions of the Y-chromosome

-Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy


Azoospermia has no symptoms, so it is necessary to see a specialist for diagnosis.


A diagnosis requires:

- Analysis of your medical history
- Genital examination
- Seminogram or semen analysis

Sperm retrieval by epididymal aspiration or testicular biopsy is the fertility treatment of choice for achieving a baby in obstructive azoospermia.

Come to our reproduction specialists and find the best alternative to have a baby at home.

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800 600-7001
Carmel James

"My experience with Ingenes was very calming all because of the staff, they were welcoming and made you feel at ease with everything."

Ingenes McAllen, TX.

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Dr. Felipe Camargo Cédula Profesional SEP: 4452501
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