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31 de May, 2024

Research in search of answers to infertility

Today, infertility rates have increased in the Mexican population and it is estimated that 20% of Mexicans suffer from sterility problems, making it a factor that deserves specialized attention to improve this recurring problem that affects us all.

The existence of research and development laboratories is of utmost importance for the improvement of this industry. This will provide added value to fertility centers and will thus allow collecting more information to face and resolve this current problem whose purpose is to offer better service and results to patients.

It will be of great importance for the development and successful progress of an institute, the results obtained in the research area are a fundamental tool that helps reaffirm the knowledge acquired and generate new informative concepts that allow progress through the generation of research.

Currently, the Ingenes Institute has highly specialized and avant-garde laboratories dedicated to developing new techniques focused on promoting the results obtained in the field of reproduction, increasing pregnancy rates, and satisfying the dream of many families, which is to have a baby at home.

At Ingenes, the work factor is incorporated into the learning process through the inclusion of technological innovation based on empirical observation to advance the issue of improving fertility rates. We have decided to join forces and put most of the international methodologies within our reach to give positive results.

We have a great team of researchers committed to finding solutions as well as facilitating and applying the knowledge acquired. It is essential to provide exclusive and particular attention to each case since we consider that all of them are unique.

Currently, various diagnostic and research projects are underway to advance the methodology.


One of them is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis also known as PGD. This procedure consists of the analysis of embryos previously subjected to IVF, the purpose of which is to identify the presence of genetic or chromosomal anomalies before being implanted, thus avoiding the transfer of embryos that have hereditary diseases. This comparative genomic analysis is performed using CGH microarray technology and helps increase the probability of embryo survival. The technique consists of removing a cell from the embryo where the DNA is amplified and subsequently hybridized on microarrays to detect specific anomalies within the embryos. It is a widely used technique that has been greatly reflected in the increase in pregnancies worldwide.

Another test applied within our laboratories is that of endometrial receptivity. This experiment is carried out from a sample of cells found on the surface of the uterus, from which RNA is obtained for analysis using a specialized technique called qRT-PCR. The study will indicate whether the uterus is ready for implantation to take place, offering the advantage that the sample collection is non-invasive. It is developed worldwide and allows the status of endometrial receptivity in women to be evaluated from a molecular point of view.

Another cause that influences fertility problems, affecting the female factor, is ovular quality. In infertile women, assisted through the IVF procedure, the morphological analysis of the egg is the only tool available to evaluate said quality; However, this is not always reliable. Hence the importance of putting new techniques into operation to characterize the quality of the eggs. Currently, the laboratory is investigating new possibilities that reflect ovulatory integrity to open more doors to this field and allow us to establish both causes and methodologies that help combat this phenomenon.

Finally, there are other ongoing projects dedicated to new techniques that will help us in the future to acquire greater knowledge in areas focused on assisted reproduction. Projects such as Comparative Genomic Analysis for fetal cells and sex diagnosis to avoid the transmission of sex-linked diseases are another of our research.

We all know how important and difficult this issue of infertility can be, which is why our purpose is to join forces by applying a wide spectrum of techniques to put at our disposal all the possible tools to help us combat it. and provide a holistic approach where all our energies are directed towards finding solutions and improving results. Research allows us to add integrated value to this entire purpose, which is to fulfill the dream of being a mother.

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