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4 de January, 2024

Mycoplasmas and their Influence on Fertility: A Simple Explanation

Since their discovery in 1898, mycoplasmas have captured the attention of scientists and physicians alike. These tiny organisms are not only intriguing because of their nature, but also because they influence various diseases, some of which can be serious. In the field of fertility, its role is vital, a topic that at Ingenes we approach with attention and care.

What are Mycoplasmas?

Imagine mycoplasmas as tiny bacteria, very different from those we normally know. They are unique in their characteristics and their way of living. Although there are many varieties, some of these bacteria can coexist peacefully with us, while others can cause diseases in humans, animals, and even plants. Interestingly, these microorganisms are often found in newborns, but their presence decreases as they grow. Later, in adolescence and with the onset of sexual activity, species such as Ureaplasma urealyticum and M. hominis are usually found in the genital tract.

The Impact on Fertility

Mycoplasmas play a prominent role in certain reproductive diseases. For example, they have been associated with inflammation in the female reproductive system and other problems that can affect a woman's ability to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term. They can influence fertility significantly, being a factor to consider in fertility treatments.

Diagnosis and Treatments

Mycoplasma infections are usually concentrated in the mucosal areas of the body and can manifest in various ways. Among them, are effects on the genitourinary tract and complications during pregnancy, such as spontaneous abortions or premature births. To diagnose it, doctors usually do cultures of different samples, such as blood or amniotic fluid.

The Ingenes Approach

At Ingenes, we are fully aware of how mycoplasmas can influence fertility. Our specialists perform a thorough evaluation to determine if these microorganisms are affecting your chances of conceiving and carrying a successful pregnancy. Our comprehensive approach includes advanced testing and personalized treatments to address any challenges related to these organisms.

Prevention and Care

An important part of our work at Ingenes is prevention. We advise our patients on how they can reduce the risk of mycoplasma infections, especially those who are trying to conceive. This can include everything from hygiene tips to recommendations on safe sexual practices.

Treatment Alternatives at Ingenes

If you are facing fertility problems related to mycoplasmas, all is not lost. At Ingenes, we offer a variety of treatments and alternatives to overcome these obstacles. From specific antibiotic treatments to assisted reproduction techniques such as IVF, we are equipped to help you on your path to motherhood.

Mycoplasmas and their impact on fertility may seem complex, but at Ingenes we are prepared to help you understand and overcome these challenges. With the combination of cutting-edge technology, specialized knowledge, and a human approach, we accompany you every step of your journey towards conception and a healthy pregnancy.

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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