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10 de January, 2024

Artificial Intelligence: Transforming the Future of Fertility

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution in the field of assisted reproduction is not only a future promise; It is a reality that is changing the way fertility treatments are approached. The application of Artificial Intelligence in this field is offering new perspectives and methods to improve the chances of success on the path to conception.

AI Innovations in Embryo Selection

Artificial Intelligence has shown impressive potential in improving embryo selection during In Vitro Fertilization treatments. Using advanced algorithms and machine learning, AI can analyze patterns and characteristics of embryos that might go unnoticed by the human eye. This includes the evaluation of embryo morphology, cell division rate, and other indicators of viability.

Transferencia de Embriones Vitrificados

Impact on Treatment Efficiency

  • Reducing the Number of In Vitro Fertilization Cycles: With more precise selection, patients may need fewer IVF cycles to achieve a successful pregnancy.
  • Decreased Emotional Stress: Improved efficiency and higher success rates can reduce the emotional burden associated with fertility treatments.
  • Resource Optimization: Artificial Intelligence can help more efficiently use clinical and biological resources, which in turn could make fertility treatments more accessible.

Ingenes' Role in the Adoption of New Technologies

At Ingenes, although we do not yet directly use Artificial Intelligence in our processes, we are committed to incorporating the latest innovations in the field of assisted reproduction. Our focus is always to provide the most advanced and effective care to our patients, and we are attentive to the evolution of Artificial Intelligence to integrate it at the right time, always to facilitate the path to motherhood and fatherhood.

Long-Term Benefits of AI in Fertility

Artificial Intelligence is not only intended to improve short-term outcomes in fertility treatments but also has the potential to provide valuable insights for future research. This could include developing more personalized treatments and advancing understanding of the underlying causes of infertility.

The future of fertility treatments with the integration of Artificial Intelligence is promising. At Ingenes, although we are in the early stages of this transformation, we are preparing to embrace these emerging technologies. Our mission is to always be at the forefront, providing our patients with the best options available to make their desire to become parents come true.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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