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3 de July, 2024

5 ways to support a woman with Polycystic Ovaries

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal, metabolic, and reproductive disorder. It affects girls and women and is the main cause of female infertility.

According to the United States Department of Health, Polycystic Ovaries affect 1 in 10 women worldwide and are a precursor to diabetes and obesity.

So if you know women with PCOS remind them that they are not alone. Diagnosing this condition is not an obstacle to having a healthy life and having a baby. It's just a matter of doing things a little differently. We tell you how:

1. Know the treatment options

A woman with PCOS needs to know what the symptoms and treatment options are.

The woman you know with Polycystic Ovary will appreciate that you accept her health condition and make extra efforts to help understand her better. You could also accompany her to visits with the Gynecologist or fertility specialist.

2. Be patient

Living with a chronic condition is challenging. But with PCOS, the affected woman's hormonal levels are altered and can make her very frustrated all the time.

Polycystic Ovaries can cause bothersome symptoms and can be tedious to manage. You must be very patient, understand what is happening, and always show solidarity and love.

3. Help her make lifestyle changes

Instead of letting her deal with essential lifestyle changes, be with her when she's doing it. While you may find common ways to get active, make it fun. Instead of going out to dinner, opt for a run or a bike ride.

4. Show solidarity at all times

Women with PCOS have to deal with a lot of mood swings and struggle with their self-esteem. Try to understand her behavior and love her for the person she is. The best option is to consult a specialist doctor about these issues and get help.

5. Don't blame her if she has infertility

Although difficulty having a baby can be attributed to PCOS, try not to let it be your only problem. It could make you feel guilty and depressed. It may be helpful to consult a counselor or psychologist to communicate in the best way.

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