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Endometrial Regeneration

Increase your chances of having a baby by improving your endometrial quality, promoting embryo implantation.

What is the Endometrium?

The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus, a dynamic tissue that undergoes cyclical changes in response to hormonal signals, preparing it for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If fertilization occurs, the embryo implants in the endometrial lining, where it receives nourishment and develops. If not, the endometrium is shed during menstruation. Endometrial Anomalies Affecting Fertility:
  • Asherman's Syndrome
  • Refractory Endometrium
  • Thin Endometrium
  • Uterine Lesions
  • Implantation Failure
  • Endometrial Quality
    The quality and thickness of the endometrium are crucial for successful implantation and pregnancy. Factors affecting endometrial quality include age, hormonal imbalance, inflammation, and structural anomalies.

    What is Endogen?

    Endogen is a safe and effective treatment that enhances your chances of having a baby by preparing your endometrium for embryo implantation during IVF. Different protocols are used based on individual conditions and severity. Consulting a specialist is essential to determine the right protocol for you.
    Endogen: Endometrial Quality Enhancement with Endogenous Growth Factors
    Endogenous growth factors are a concentration of proteins and nutrients isolated from platelet-rich plasma that facilitate tissue repair and regeneration.

     They stimulate the development of new healthy cells and the formation of new blood vessels and capillaries. This improves the endometrium's response to hormonal signals, preparing it for embryo implantation.

    Typically, 2 to 3 applications of these nutrients, proteins, and growth factors are needed to enhance endometrial quality, increasing the chances of implantation and having a baby.

    Who is Endogen Ideal For?

    Patients with Asherman's Syndrome or atrophic/refractory endometrium. Proper diagnosis is essential to determine the best treatment option.
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    Ingenes Research Publication

    1.- Dinorah Hernandez-Melchor, B.SC.; Ginna Milena Ortiz, MD; Ivan Madrazo, M.D.; Norma Indira Barrera Vargas, M.B., M.B.B.S., M.SC.; America Padilla, PhD; Esther Lopez-Bayghen, PhD. “Trans myometrial injection of autologous mesenchymal stem cells improves endometrial quality and art results in patients with refractory endometrium or Asherman's Syndrome”. Fertility and Sterility. ASRM. Volume 118, Issue 4, Supplement , E169, October 2022. 2.- Hernández-Melchor D, Palafox-Gómez C, Madrazo I, Ortiz G, Padilla-Viveros A, López-Bayghen E. “Surgical and nutritional interventions for endometrial receptivity: A case report and review of literature". World Journal of Clinical Cases. November 2022. 3.- Dinorah Hernandez-Melchor, B.Sc.; Hector Jesus Carrillo Vidrio, MD; Martin Rivera, M.D., M.SC.; Leonardo M. Porchia, PhD; America Padilla, PhD; Esther Lopez-Bayghen, PhD. “Pautologous platelet-rich plasma treatment improves embryo implantation and clinical pregnancy rates in women undergoing assisted reproduction: a pilot study and systematic review”. Fertility and Sterility. ASRM. Volume 118, Issue 4, Supplement, E169-E170, October 2022.


    At Ingenes, we improve endometrial quality and thickness in 95% of patients using Endogen.


    Endogen increases pregnancy probabilities by 68.3%.
    Our success rates with endometrial regeneration are among the highest, surpassing those reported in medical and scientific publications.

    Endogen: Endometrial Regeneration with Stem Cells

    Endometrial regeneration with stem cells is a promising therapy for treating endometrial disorders. Stem cells can regenerate and repair damaged endometrial tissue, improving quality and increasing pregnancy rates in women with endometrial issues.

    How It Works

    10 million stem cells are used to enhance endometrial quality and increase pregnancy chances in patients with implantation failure, recurrent loss due to Asherman's Syndrome, or surgical corrections affecting uterine quality.

    Endogen: Endometrium Rejuvenation Step by Step

    The Endogen application process is performed before embryo transfer to prepare your endometrium:
    1. Blood Sample Collection:
    A blood sample is taken from your arm.
    2. Processing Growth Factors:
    While your nurse prepares you, the blood sample is processed in the lab to obtain and activate the Endogenous Growth Factors.
    3. Delivery to Doctor:
    About 30 minutes later, the product is delivered to your doctor.
    4. Application in the Operating Room:
    In a brief procedure, your doctor applies it directly to your endometrium. This outpatient procedure takes approximately 20 minutes.
    After the application, follow your doctor's instructions for endometrial preparation. The embryo transfer will then be performed, with your body better prepared to support a successful pregnancy.
    At Ingenes, we achieve up to 98% effectiveness in improving endometrial quality and thickness with this treatment:
    Post-Endogen pregnancy rate: 69.2%
    Spontaneous pregnancy: 30% of cases
    Our success rates are among the highest, surpassing those reported in medical and scientific publications.

    You're in the best hands!

    Our research team, in collaboration with Cinvestav-IPN, is dedicated to innovative reproductive science, developing cutting-edge technology like Endogen.
    Learn More

    Increase your chances of pregnancy with Endogen.

    Contact us to explore all the options to make your dream of holding your baby come true.
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    Key References and Research Supporting Our Treatments

    - Santamaria, Xavier et al. “Autologous cell therapy with CD133+ bone marrow-derived stem cells for refractory Asherman's syndrome and endometrial atrophy: a pilot cohort study.” Human reproduction (Oxford, England) vol. 31,5 (2016): 1087-96. doi:10.1093/humrep/dew042

    - Singh, Neeta et al. “Autologous stem cell transplantation in refractory Asherman's syndrome: A novel cell based therapy.” Journal of human reproductive sciences vol. 7,2 (2014): 93-8. doi:10.4103/0974-1208.138864

    - Sudoma I et al. “Application of autologous

    -adipose-derived stem cells for thin endometrium treatment in patients with failed ART programs.” J Stem

    - Cell Ther Transplant. vol 3: (2019):001-008. DOI: 10.29328/journal.jsctt.1001013

    -Nazari, Leila et al. “Effects of autologous platelet-rich plasma on implantation and pregnancy in repeated implantation failure: A pilot study.” International journal of reproductive biomedicine vol. 14,10 (2016): 625-628.

    - Tandulwadkar, Sunita R et al. “Autologous Intrauterine Platelet-Rich Plasma Instillation for Suboptimal Endometrium in Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycles: A Pilot Study.” Journal of human reproductive sciences vol. 10,3 (2017): 208-212. doi:10.4103/jhrs.JHRS_28_17

    -Sfakianoudis, Konstantinos et al. “Successful Implantation and Live Birth Following Autologous Platelet-rich Plasma Treatment for a Patient with Recurrent Implantation Failure and Chronic Endometritis.” In vivo (Athens, Greece) vol. 33,2 (2019): 515-521. doi:10.21873/invivo.11504

    - Agarwal, Meenu et al. “Management of a Thin Endometrium by Hysteroscopic Instillation of Platelet-Rich Plasma Into The Endomyometrial Junction: A Pilot Study.” Journal of clinical medicine vol. 9,9 2795. 30 Aug. 2020, doi:10.3390/jcm9092795

    - Aghajanzadeh, Fateme et al. “Using autologous intrauterine platelet-rich plasma to improve the reproductive outcomes of women with recurrent
    implantation failure.” JBRA assisted reproduction vol. 24,1 30-33. 30 Jan. 2020, doi:10.5935/1518-0557.20190055

    - Allahveisi, Azra et al. “The effect of platelet-rich plasma on the achievement of pregnancy during frozen embryo transfer in women with a history of failed implantation.” Heliyon vol. 6,3 e03577. 12 Mar. 2020, doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03577

    - Du, Juan et al. “Efficacy and safety of platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of thin endometrium: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis.” Medicine vol. 99,3 (2020): e18848. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000018848

    - Kusumi, Maki et al. “Intrauterine administration of platelet-rich plasma improves embryo implantation by increasing the endometrial thickness in women with repeated implantation failure: A single-arm self-controlled trial.” Reproductive medicine and biology vol. 19,4 350-356. 25 Jun. 2020, doi:10.1002/rmb2.12334

    - Samy, A. et al. “Effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma transfusion in the treatment of infertile women with thin endometrium and its implications in IVF cycles: a literature review.” Middle East Fertility Society Journal vol. 25,5 (2020): 1-6.

    - Tehraninejad, Ensieh S et al. “Autologous platelet-rich plasma infusion does not improve pregnancy outcomes in frozen embryo transfer cycles in women with history of repeated implantation failure without thin endometrium.” The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research vol. 47,1 (2021): 147-151. doi:10.1111/jog.14445

    - Zamaniyan, Marzieh et al. “Effect of platelet-rich plasma on pregnancy outcomes in infertile women with recurrent implantation failure: a randomized controlled trial.” Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology vol. 37,2 (2021): 141-145. doi:10.1080/09513590.2020.1756247

    - de Miguel-Gómez, Lucía et al. “Comparison of different sources of platelet-rich plasma as treatment option for infertility-causing endometrial pathologies.” Fertility and sterility vol. 115,2 (2021): 490-500. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.07.053

    - Mouanness, Marco et al. “Use of Intra-uterine Injection of Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) for Endometrial Receptivity and Thickness: a Literature Review of the Mechanisms of Action.” Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) vol. 28,6 (2021): 1659-1670. doi:10.1007/s43032-021-00579-2

    - Jackman, Janelle M. et al. "Platelet rich plasma (PRP) can improve pregnancy outcome in patients with recur-rent implantation failure (RIF) and thin endometrial lining." Fertility and Sterility, vol. 114,3 (2020): e333, doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.08.901.
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