Saint Luis International Institute ranks us as a leader in the study and treatment of fertility in the Americas for the following reasons
We have helped to bring more than 35,000 babies home worldwide thanks to our team of reproductive experts, embryologists, geneticists and nurse specialists.
Under the guidance of our skilled team of experts, our accurate Evaluation & Diagnosis Program is guaranteed to determine the specific factors affecting your fertility.
We have a 10% higher success rate than any other clinic in the USA and 78% higher than the average in Latin America, with babies born through In Vitro Fertilization of your own eggs, accredited by the LARA Network.
Stay up to date with accurate information about assisted reproduction and fertility treatments, and learn about the path we’ll guide you along to expand your family.
Descubre cómo Ingenes celebra el Día Mundial de la Fertilidad, promoviendo la conciencia sobre la salud reproductiva y ofreciendo soluciones avanzadas para superar la infertilidad. Aprende sobre los tratamientos y el apoyo que brindamos para ayudar a las personas a formar la familia que desean.
Hoy en día, en la población Mexicana se han incrementado los índices de infertilidad y se estima que un 20% de los Mexicanos sufren de problemas de esterilidad, haciéndolo un factor que merece atención especializada con el fin de mejorar esta recurrente problemática que nos afecta a todos. Resulta de suma importancia la existencia de ...