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6 de September, 2024

New Scientific Study on ENDOGEN: Advances in Fertility and IVF

A recent study published in the American Journal of Translational Research titled “Improving endometrial thickness and in vitro fertilization outcomes in patients with refractory endometrium using autologous mesenchymal stem cells” highlights an innovative technique to improve In Vitro Fertilization in complicated cases of infertility.

This article was developed by researchers such as Dinorah Hernández-Melchor, Ginna Ortiz and Iván Madrazo, who are part of the Ingenes team of specialists, along with other collaborators. The use of stem cells from the stromal vascular fraction has shown positive results in restoring endometrial thickness in patients with refractory problems, offering new possibilities for the treatment of infertility in these cases.

The article examines in depth how endogenous stem cells (ENDOGEN) can be used to improve egg quality and increase the chances of obtaining a viable embryo in patients with failures in previous In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments. This breakthrough could make a significant difference in the management of infertility, especially in those cases where egg quality has been a challenge.

The study highlights how stem cell-based therapies offer new hope, minimising the need for more invasive procedures such as egg donation. Preliminary results showed an increase in patients' ability to produce healthy embryos, suggesting that ENDOGEN could become a standard tool in the future of assisted reproduction.

You can read the full article here.

At Ingenes, we are always on the lookout for the latest research to ensure we offer the best solutions to our patients. Advances in stem cell therapies, such as those presented in this study, bring us closer to providing more options to those who wish to fulfil their dream of having a baby.

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