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19 de March, 2024

In vitro fertilization for people over 45: A hope to fulfill the dream of becoming parents

In vitro fertilization (IVF) has established itself as a beacon of hope for numerous couples around the world, opening doors to the possibility of parenthood that were previously considered closed, especially for those who choose to begin this path after 45 years. This assisted reproduction technique is not only an example of the impressive scientific and medical progress in the field of fertility but also raises important reflections on the medical, ethical, and social implications of having children in advanced stages of life.

From a medical perspective, the decision to seek children beyond the age of 45 implies facing undeniable biological realities. Natural fertility declines significantly with age in both men and women, reducing the chances of conceiving naturally and potentially also decreasing the success rates of procedures such as IVF. Additionally, the risks associated with pregnancy, such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and complications during childbirth, increase significantly. These considerations underscore the importance of conducting a thorough assessment of the health status of prospective parents, not only to optimize the chances of treatment success but also to ensure the well-being of the mother and the healthy development of the baby.

Ethical considerations also play a crucial role in the discussion about fatherhood and motherhood at more mature ages. Responsibility for the child's well-being and development, the parents' ability to actively participate in their upbringing, and the potential generation gap are aspects that must be carefully weighed. Although age can bring financial and emotional stability, couples need to consider how their age could influence the parenting experience and the child's life.

Despite these challenges, IVF presents itself as a valuable option for those who wish to experience parenthood later in life. The ability to use donated eggs or sperm may be particularly beneficial in overcoming age-related challenges, and advanced embryo selection techniques may increase the chances of success. IVF not only provides the possibility of conceiving but also offers the opportunity for preimplantation genetic testing, which is especially pertinent for older parents who want to minimize the risk of genetic disorders.

However, it is crucial to approach the IVF process with a clear understanding of its challenges and limitations. Although assisted reproductive technologies have advanced considerably, they do not guarantee success and the process can be emotionally draining and financially costly. Couples must be prepared to face these challenges and seek support every step of the way, whether through counseling, support groups, or accompaniment from health professionals.

Today's society is characterized by greater flexibility in the definitions of family and parenthood, and IVF offers an opportunity for individuals and couples to realize their desire to have children, regardless of their age. However, this desire must be pursued with a deep sense of responsibility, considering not only the desire to become parents but also the long-term commitment that raising a child entails.

In summary, in vitro fertilization represents an unprecedented opportunity for couples over 45 who long to have children, opening doors to new family possibilities. At the same time, it invites careful reflection on the ethical, medical, and personal responsibilities that come with it. With the right advice and a comprehensive understanding of the challenges involved, IVF can be a path to realizing the dream of parenthood, even beyond the barriers of age.

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