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Ingenes branches 

Thanks to the trust our patients have placed in our institute, we have expanded into new territories, bringing our teams of experts in fertility, assisted reproductive technologies, and accredited laboratories closer to you, we are currently present in the United States and Mexico.

Our branches in USA and Mexico

Thanks to the trust of our patients, you can start today your path to being a mother at the Ingenes branch of your choice, located in different cities in USA and Mexico.
Branch with laboratory

What makes us Latin America’s leading fertility and genetics institute?

Saint Luis International Institute ranks us as a leader in the study and treatment of fertility in the Americas for the following reasons

We have helped to bring more than 35,000 babies home worldwide thanks to our team of reproductive experts, embryologists, geneticists and nurse specialists.

Under the guidance of our skilled team of experts, our accurate Evaluation & Diagnosis Program is guaranteed to determine the specific factors affecting your fertility.

We have a 10% higher success rate than any other clinic in the USA and 78% higher than the average in Latin America, with babies born through In Vitro Fertilization of your own eggs, accredited by the LARA Network.

Our Ingenes

Get the Latest From Our Ingenes Blog

Stay up to date with accurate information about assisted reproduction and fertility treatments, and learn about the path we’ll guide you along to expand your family.

Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH) y la fertilidad

El Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH) es conocido por su capacidad para provocar problemas de salud significativos, pero muchas personas se preguntan si también puede afectar la fertilidad. Aunque el VPH no tiene un impacto directo en la capacidad de una mujer para concebir, sus complicaciones, como cambios cervicales o cáncer cervical, podrían influir en ...

Reconocimiento Internacional a Ingenes Guadalajara: Un logro en Reproducción Asistida

En Ingenes, creemos firmemente que detrás de cada esfuerzo hay una historia que contar y un logro que celebrar. Hoy, con gran orgullo, queremos compartir con ustedes un reconocimiento que refleja el compromiso, la dedicación y la excelencia de nuestro equipo en Guadalajara en el ámbito de la reproducción asistida. Recientemente, Ingenes - Guadalajara fue ...

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