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25 de July, 2024

Heroes behind the science of life

Every July 25 we celebrate Embryologist's Day, a special date to honor professionals who play a crucial role in the field of assisted reproduction. Embryologists are the heroes behind the science of life, working tirelessly in laboratories to help couples and single people fulfill their dream of starting a family.

The importance of the embryologist in Assisted Reproduction

Embryologists are scientists specialized in the study and management of human embryos. Their work is fundamental in fertility treatments since they are responsible for the fertilization of eggs, the cultivation of embryos, and their transfer to the woman's uterus. Additionally, they perform advanced procedures such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGT).

Without the knowledge and skill of embryologists, many of the assisted reproduction techniques we know today would not be possible. They ensure that each step of the process is carried out with precision and care, thus increasing the chances of success of the treatments.

Key functions of embryologists

Embryologists perform a variety of crucial roles in the fertility laboratory:

  1. Gamete collection and preparation: Embryologists collect and prepare eggs and sperm for fertilization. This includes evaluating the quality and maturity of the eggs and selecting the most viable sperm.
  2. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): They carry out the fertilization of the eggs in the laboratory, either through conventional IVF or advanced techniques such as ICSI, where a sperm is injected directly into the egg.
  3. Embryo culture: They supervise the development of embryos under controlled conditions, monitoring their growth and dividing to ensure they develop optimally.
  4. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGT): They perform embryo biopsies to detect possible genetic abnormalities, ensuring the transfer of healthy embryos and reducing the risk of genetic diseases.
  5. Cryopreservation: They carry out the freezing and storage of eggs, sperm, and embryos for future use. This technique is crucial for preserving fertility and for patients who require additional treatments.
  6. Embryo transfer: They prepare and select the best embryos for transfer to the patient's uterus, maximizing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Embryologist's Day is an opportunity to recognize and thank the hard work and dedication of these professionals. Their work not only requires advanced technical skills but also a deep commitment to the life and health of their patients. Embryologists work behind the scenes, but their impact is visible in every new life they help create.

At Ingenes, we are deeply grateful for the work of our embryologists. Their dedication and experience are essential to our fertility treatments and have contributed to the birth of more than 50,000 babies. These professionals are true pioneers in the field of reproductive biology, and their tireless efforts allow us to offer our patients the best opportunities to start a family.

The future of embryology

Embryology is a field in constant evolution. Technological and scientific advances continue to improve assisted reproduction techniques, and embryologists are at the forefront of these developments. From the implementation of artificial intelligence to select the best embryos to new gene editing techniques, the future of embryology promises to further revolutionize assisted fertility.


On Embryologist's Day, we celebrate and honor the professionals who make the miracle of life possible. Their work is essential for the success of fertility treatments and for helping thousands of people fulfill their dream of starting a family. To all embryologists, thank you for your dedication and for being the heroes behind the science of life.

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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